Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Benefits Of Free Birth Control - 980 Words

Monica Varona English IV Rhonda Hill 20 July 2017 The Benefits of Free Birth Control Even though birth control is an important part of preventive health care, it can be difficult to attain. The options for a woman who is not covered by a health insurance provider are limited. Their best option is to receive a prescription at a clinic or to purchase forms of birth control at a Planned Parenthood center. Still, these women are left to cover the price of the pill that can range from $35-$200 a month, which does not include the cost of the clinic appointments (â€Å"Where Can I Buy?†). Therefore, birth control should be free because it provides health benefits for women, reduces poverty, decreases abortion rates, and saves money for taxpayers.†¦show more content†¦However, it is incorrect to assume that cutting funding to programs like Medicaid and Planned Parenthood are the way to save money. In fact, by providing care which included birth control, family planning clinics alone â€Å"helped prevent 2.2 million unplanned pregnancies in 2010† (Culp- Ressler). This study shows that it is more cost effective to supply birth control freely than it is to financially aid women in properly caring for unanticipated children. For example, in 2011, unplanned pregnancies nationwide totaled an average of $11 billion in costs for American taxpayers. However, reducing unintentional pregnancies averages to a total of $5.6 billion in savings (â€Å"Nation Pays Steep†). Therefore, a viable solution to attain these kinds of savings is it to prevent these accidental pregnancies in the first place which free birth control can do. Furthermore, cutting funding to Medicaid and family planning services is ineffective and additionally reduces the chances of a woman to attain birth control. Another benefit of free birth control is it can reduce poverty as well as decrease abortion rates. According to the Guttmacher Institute, around 75% of abortion patients in the United States are poor or low-income (â€Å"Abortion Patients More†). From experience, being a low-income family means focusing on essential items. Most likely, these women are not saving monthly for contraceptivesShow MoreRelatedFree And Accessible Birth Control1722 Words   |  7 PagesFree and Accessible Birth Control in the United States A total of 730,322 abortions were reported from the Centers for Disease Control in 2011. This could easily be resolved with proper usage of birth control. But the fact of the matter is that only 62% of women are actually using proper birth control, now this may seem like a lot of women, but there is 158.6 million women in the United States alone so 58.5 million are currently not on any birth control which is a huge amount of women. 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