Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Immigration As A Source Of Conflict In France Essay

Immigration As A Source Of Conflict In France - Essay Example With a huge proportion of the immigrants being unemployed, there is a rise in labor riots in France. This can be attributed to the competition for jobs between the North African immigrants with the local French laborers. This is because they are willing to work at lower wages due to their lack of skills. This has sparked up racism and ethnic violence between the French Nationals and the North African immigrants. The immigrants feel they are not accepted as being French and are stigmatized to go back to their country, as they do not belong in France. They are not given jobs due to their immigrant nature and end up doing work beneath them. The lack of employment has also sparked up social evils and increased the crime rates in the country. The governments of the day are forced to deport some of the illegal immigrants to avoid extreme political movements due to high unemployment rates among the immigrants. There are two key things that are depicted about immigration as a source of confl ict in contemporary France. Immigrants come along with their cultural practices, religion, and this when they interact with local nationals, conflict can arise in the attempt of either group trying to dominate the other. This makes integration of the immigrants with the local communities difficult and can result in animosities between the two. Immigration adds competition for resources in the country and, therefore, the government should provide enough job and investment opportunities so as to avoid socio-economic conflict and labor woes.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Saudi Arabia Cultural Profile Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Saudi Arabia Cultural Profile - Research Paper Example Cold war is used to refer to the short-lived association that cropped up between USA and USSR following World War Two from 1945 to 1980 (Gerdes 98). Many people found increasing weapons of mass destruction to be of great concern. Additionally, no side did fight with the other. However, they fought for their beliefs through client states that fought for their beliefs for their sake, for example, South Vietnam was anticommunist and had supply from America during the war whereas North Vietnam was a communist supporter and fought the south inclusive of the Americans using the weapons from communist China or communist Russia (Heinzig 202). Within Afghanistan, rebel Afghans were supplied by Americans after Soviet Union invading in 1979 though they did not involve themselves physically thus evading a direct confrontation with the Soviet Union. Logics can show that because the USSR and USA fought allies in World War Two, their association following the war would be more firm and friendlier. This is something that never came to be, and any impression that the two powers remained friendly at war time sounds more of an illusion (Bjornlund 56). Prior to the war, America did depict the Soviet Union as a devil incarnate and the union had also depicted America in the selfsame manner meaning that the alleged friendship during the war was based on the common enemy Nazi Germany (Slugget 117). Paton in his statement mentioned that he was of the opinion that the Allied army unites with the survivors in Wehrmacht, in 1945, employ the military genius inside it and battle against the then Soviet Red Army. Churchill was personally furious about Eisenhower accepting that the Army would be the first team entering Benin before the Allied Army. Sharing in his anger were certain senior military figures like Montgomery. Therefore, the great level of distrust present at war time was obviously present prior to the end of the war. Joseph Stalian, the